Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

My kids and I have loved every Drive Thru History Adventures Course from Dave Stotts we have done. So, we were all extremely excited to get to review their brand new course Bible Unearthed! It has taught us all so much about Archeology and it’s impact what we have learned about Biblical History.
About Drive Thru History Adventures

If you have never heard of Dave Stotts or Drive Thru History Adventures, I’m so excited to be the one to tell you about it now! Dave Stotts has put together so many amazing, engaging, and educational video courses that teach history to kids. (of all ages) He travels around the world allowing kids to experience history, where it happened. Dave Stotts presents information in an exciting, and engaging manor, telling stories and bringing history to life. My kids (5, 9, and 11) love watching the videos and learning about history. Also, the lessons are accurate, easy to watch, and presented from a Christian Word-view.

The Drive Thru History Adventures gives you the ability to access their courses online, and provides curriculum resources, questions, activities, and articles to accompany the videos. If you follow the suggested schedule you will have a new “adventure” with your kids each week as you complete the course.
What does the Bible Unearthed Course Teach?

Bible Unearthed is a brand new Course from Dave Stotts and Drive Thru History Adventures. This amazing course focuses on how Archeology is used to help us learn about Ancient History and the Bible. The course teaches what Archeology is, how Archeologists work to discover artifacts. Also, students get to see actual archeological digs happening in the videos, and look at artifacts that have been uncovered. The course lays out a timeline and teaches how events in the Bible fit in and show artifacts and places that have been discovered validating events in the Bible. Kids will get a picture of how events in the Bible fit in Ancient History. They will see evidence of how Archeologists have proven the existence of people and places throughout the Bible.

The Course and Curriculum

Below are Screenshots of the episode titles of Bible Unearthed. Each episode is one adventure of the course, and includes dig deeper articles, additional readings, optional activities, and discussion questions. You can easily spread out the adventure throughout the whole week if you were to complete all the activities provided. There are 12 weeks of the course if you complete one adventure per week. The Dig Deeper Articles are excellent for older Middle School Students that you want to challenge. They are also great read aloud articles for your elementary or mixed age homeschool family. The discussion questions are also wonderful resources to assess an older students understanding of the content they are learning or to use to guide discussion of the videos you have watched together.

Who is Bible Unearthed For?

I find Drive Thru Adventures’ Bible Unearthed course to be excellent resource for a wide range of ages. It could easily be a complete 12 week history course for a middle school student, where they watched the videos, and completed all the extra course work and readings independently. However, Bible Unearthed is also an excellent family learning adventure. You can watch the videos as a family and simply talk about what you learned, with all ages. Or with a mix of older children you can watch the videos with them and then guide them through or have them complete the extra activities.
How did we use Bible Unearthed?

Our family has loved the Bible Unearthed Course this month! We chose to watch the videos and discuss them as a family. My boys, 5, 9, and 11, loved watching Dave Stotts talk with Titus Kennedy Ph.D. (an archeologist) and Randall Niles about how archeology is used and the discoveries that have been made. It was eye-opening for them to see the places they were working and artifacts that have been uncovered that are from The Old Testament. We also enjoyed reading many of the dig deeper articles together and answering the discussion questions together. We have watched and read many of the articles from the first half of the course and are so excited to finish the rest of the course this month. The lessons are so interesting, engaging and exciting for my boys. They are always excited when it is time for our Drive Thru History Lesson!
Many other families on the Homeschool Review Crew are using Drive Thru History Adventures Bible Unearthed course this month as well! If you want to hear more about this course click below to read more reviews!