My new Plan
I have always used a printed lesson plan template and kept my plans in a notebook. For 2017, I decided to try a little something new for my planning.
This week, instead of writing my plans, I made myself a simple lesson plan template. It is a one page template where I can simply type in what my kids are going to do each day. I will keep a blank copy saved as my lesson plan template on my desktop. Then, each week I can open the template and save the file under a new filename. For example, my lesson plan file for this week will be saved as: lessonplansJan2-Jan6.docx.
A Time Saver!
I am very excited about saving some time by doing my lessons on my computer. Lately, I am using more and more online resources for lessons! There are so many amazing free resources online where my kids can practice their spelling words, watch a video about what they are learning, or do a math lesson! Some of my favorites are and (Look for an upcoming post on free online homeschool resources! I can’t wait to share more of these with you!)

If there is an online resource I want to use, I can go to the website and copy and paste the link directly into my lesson plans! I plan to keep my lesson plans open during our school time. Then, when its time use that resource I can simply click on the link to open it. I am tired of looking through 100’s of bookmarks to find a website I saved. I waste too much time in my day trying to re-find youtube videos that I wrote down in my plans, but forgot to save! Also my 7 year old could even go to his plan, click directly on the link to what he is supposed to do and get started on his own.
You can Plan your Homeschool lessons just like I do!
Instead of keeping this planner just to myself, I wanted to share it with you! It’s free to download, and use now. Included is the template I use for my elementary age kids. Also, I included a template I made to help me plan out some activities for my toddler. I hope that this will help you in planning for your homeschool! The first page of the file gives detailed instructions. If you have any questions or problems, I am happy to help. Comment or contact me below! Fill in the form below to receive the link to your free Homeschool Lesson Planner!
Another Planning option
I know lesson plans on the computer are not for everyone! If you would like to just print and write your lesson plans, I also saved this simple 1 page lesson plan template as a pdf file. Just download the PDF file and print as many copies as you need! I included both blank templates where you can fill in your own subjects and ones with the subjects I use already filled in! Use the same Subscribe form as above to also have access to this PDF file!!
I hope you enjoy this file and that it is a help to you!! If you subscribe to my blog your will continue to receive more great resources for life at home!!
Happy New Year and Happy Planning!!
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