Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.
This school year I am so glad that I have had the opportunity to try CTCMath! Planning for and teaching multiple children at different grade levels can get challenging and busy. However, CTCMath provides an easy to use math curriculum that enables your student to work through lessons and assignments at their own pace. After receiving CTCMath’s 12 Month Family Membership last month, I have found it to be a valuable resource for our family this homeschool year.
How CTCMath Works

CTCMath is a subscription based online math curriculum. With CTCMath 12 Month Family Membership we have access to a full Math Curriculum for students in Kindergarten through High School. Students are provided with video lessons, practice questions, assessment, and review. Many lessons also have the option to print pdf files with lesson instructions and practice questions if you prefer. The 12-month family membership, which provides math curriculum for as many children you have in your family. As a homeschool family, having a math curriculum that is consistent and prepared for all 3 of my children through one program is extremely helpful and valuable!

After signing up with a membership with CTCMath for a homeschool you are given access to a teacher account. Adding students and creating tasks for them is fairly simple. However, CTCMath also provides tutorial videos that are excellent that I highly recommend you watch so that you know you are taking advantage of everything the program has to offer. The program makes it easy for you to assign tasks to you students. Therefore your older children can easily log on, learn new math concepts and complete their practice independently. This has been wonderful for my 4th and 6th graders. They love being able to work on their math independently and use the computer.

What CTCMath Provides the Homeschool Parent

Now, I love that CTCMath has everything organized and ready to use for my children’s Math curriculum. However, more than that I love that the curriculum is thorough, clearly taught, and I still have the freedom to chose what pace my kids need to work at, and in what order they need to work on skills. The video lessons were very clear, my children enjoyed them, and had no trouble understanding the concepts being taught.

The questions were appropriate and skills were practiced in a variety of ways. Also, all questions have audio available, therefore reading skills do not limit the chills ability to demonstrate their math understanding. Even my Kindergartner has the ability to work through assignments independently after I taught him how to enter his answers and use the audio for all the questions.

Also, immediate feedback is given after every question set, practice, and test your students complete. The students can see their score and what they missed immediately. I have my kids show me their score when they finish right now, since the program is still new to all of us. However, a report is also e-mailed to me each week, as well all reports are available to review on the teacher dashboard anytime you want. Detailed reports are given for every assignment. You can see detailed scores, and even exactly what questions are missed. Therefore, you immediately know what skills your students might need more instruction or practice in.
How CTCMath Works for our Homeschool Math

After using CTCMath with my children for the past month, I am excited to continue using it in our homeschool. I had planned to mainly use the program with my 6th grader. However, we enjoyed it so much, I decided to use CTCMath as the main math curriculum for all three of my boys, (Kindergarten, 4th grade, and 6th grade). My 4th and 6th graders can easily log on, find their tasks, and complete assignments independently. And they enjoy it! My son in Kindergarten loves that he is doing schoolwork just like his brothers. He, also, quickly learned to navigate the lessons and questions.

All my boys are strong in math, however, CTCMath has made them more excited to do their math work. This program will allow them to easily work through concepts more quickly. Also, I have been able to give them diagnostic tests to find what skills we need to work more on and what they are know well. Therefore, I am able to spend more time on the skills that my kids need to learn and practice more.
More Features We Love!

Also, I am excited to use the Weekly Revision Tests more this school year. Within a few minutes, I was able to assign these to each of my kids. Throughout the year, my kids will receive a question set reviewing a mix of concepts for their grade level that we have worked on. The question sets can be printed and/or completed online. I have my kids print the worksheet so they can work out problems on paper. They also enter in their answers on the computer so that scores are recorded automatically and I can quickly see patterns of what types of questions they are missing. Then I know what skills I may need to reteach and practice more with them.

My boys and I also have enjoyed the extras practice with the Times Tables Practice and Speed Drills. These are fun games and drills that give your kids more practice in math facts and multiplication tables. It also tracks their progress and provides your with detailed reports with their progress.

Is CTCMath right for your Family?

If you are looking for a math curriculum you can use with your kids that provides you with freedom and flexibility, independence for your kids, detailed reports, and quality instruction, I highly recommend looking into CTCMath. It is a well organized, easy to use online curriculum. It is wonderful for students whether they are struggling, on grade level, or ahead want to move more quickly through a program. CTCMath has been a great fit for my family and has my boys happy to complete their math work!
Many other reviewers from the Homeschool Review Crew also have been given the opportunity to use and review CTCMath. Click below to read more how this program has worked in their families!