Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.
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I love finding new fun workbooks that we can use for practice and supplement our math curriculum. However, I love it even more when my kids enjoy the practice as well! Page a Day Math has provided just that. They have created some amazing Fact fluency building kits that are fun and engaging. Each kit will help your students learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division facts. We received digital downloads of their math starter kits and my younger boys have enjoyed diving into several of them. My 5 year old loved the Pre-K Math Starter kit and my 8 year old enjoyed practicing with the Division Starter Kit.
What I loved about all the Page a Day Math Kits!
First of all, the program is also incredibly easy to use! The only work that is required is to choose the files you want to use and print them out. All the files have extremely cute and colorful pictures throughout that your kids will love! We use a monotone laser printer, so we were unable to print them in color. However, the files still printed well, and my kids still enjoyed all the pictures. If you would rather not print everything yourself Page a Day Math offers all their math kits as physical products as well! Each kit provides at least 10 books of math lessons and practice.
The Math Books are filled with cute little cartoons of the Math Squad (Super Hero Dogs) cheering on your students! After your child completes of each of the books they receive a certificate for completing the book. Also, you will find jokes from the math squad at the end. The program is creative and fun for our kids, and really works to reinforce math facts!
Page a Day Math’s Pre-K Math Starter Kit
Page a Day Math’s Pre-K Starter Kit was a perfect fit for my 5 year old. He enjoyed practicing writing numbers and learning basic addition facts. He loved the cute dogs on every practice page, and enjoyed learning how to do math “like his brothers”. Each day had a perfect amount of practice for him to complete. The assignments practice counting, tracing the numbers, and then practice tracing and writing addition facts. The assignments are repetitive, but not boring so it supports memorization of the math facts. One fact is added each day and previous facts are reviewed.
The digital download was received in a zip file that included, 15 separate PDF files. Ten of the files were the books that include the math practice for you student. In addition, you receive a file for flash cards, that are ready to print and use to practice and reinforce addition facts with your child. There is also a separate file for assessment. The instructions for using these assessments are clear and can be used to place your child into what Page a Day Math book it would be best for them to work in.
Included is a Progress Tracker, so your child can enjoy marking when they complete each book of the program. I was also excited with added bonus of 2 handwriting books. Page A Day Math’s I Can Write My Name and Super Sight Words Print Practice Handwriting books are included with the Pre-K math Starter Kit. The Math Squad appears in these books as well, giving your child directions, cheering them on, asking questions, and telling a joke at the end of the book. My son enjoyed using the pages of the I Can Write My Name book. I look forward to using the Super Sight Words Print Practice book with him soon! These Handwriting books are also available to be purchased separately from Page a Day Math. They have a large variety of books to choose from!
Page a Day Math’s Division Starter Kit
My 8 year old is my math loving kid and quickly mastered multiplication facts earlier this year, but has not yet developed fluency with division facts. I knew after seeing these kits that he would enjoy practicing with Page a Day Math’s Division Starter Kit. The daily practice is just page front and back. Therefore, it is easy to add as a supplement to any math curriculum to reinforce facts. It only took him about 5 minutes to complete the daily assignments. He enjoyed the Math Squad dogs just as much as his little brother, and enjoyed reading all the things they say, and the jokes at the end of the books.
The Digital Download of the Division Starter Kit includes PDF files of 12 Division practice books. Each contains 14 days of assignments just like the other starter kits. There is also a file for division flash cards ready to print and practice with, and the progress tracker just like I described in the pre-k Math starter kit.
Make sure to check out the assessment file first, and follow the instructions to determine which book your child should start with if they already know some division facts. Page a Day math also provides a bonus with this kit with 2 more of their handwriting practice books, Adorable Adjectives Cursive Practice, and Eats and Treats Cursive Practice. My 8 year old has been learning cursive this year, and enjoyed using the Adorable Adjective Cursive Practice Book. It was wonderful practice in both reading and writing words in cursive.
More from Page a Day Math
We really enjoyed using Page a Day Math’s Pre-K Math Starter Kit and Division Starter Kit. Page a Day math offers several More kits that I look forward to using with my youngest soon. Because I was able to start with the Pre-K Math Starter Kit with him, it will be perfect to continue through the other kits as he is ready! The Addition and Counting Starter Kit and Subtraction Starter Kit will both be excellent to add to his Kindergarten Homeschool math curriculum. And when he is ready, I look forward to using the Multiplication and Division starter Kits with him to easily build early fluency with these math facts. I honestly wish I had these Math kits years ago to have used with my older kids earlier!
Taking time to practice math facts with Page a Day Math was a lot fun for my boys. More importantly, they have built more fluency with math facts, without complaining. If you are looking for an easy way to add daily math fact practice to your math curriculum, I highly recommend trying out Page a Day Math’s Starter Kits. You will receive everything you need to easily add in the practice your kids need for them learn math facts!
Other reviews from the Homeschool Review Crew also have been using Digital and Physical products from Page a Day Math! Check out what they have to say about the kits they have been using by clicking below!