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Today we have had so much fun changing up our normal homeschool routine in order to learn about the Presidents of the United States. We have watched Youtube videos, read books and ordered and read facts on flash Cards. I love to take advantage of our holidays to teach our kids about our History and why we remember certain people and events of the past!
Below I want to share some of the resources we have enjoyed using today!!
My boys had fun working on learning to memorize the presidents using this song on Youtube.com.
We also enjoyed this video. Same content as the one above just to the to tune of “America the Beautiful”.
This is a fun video from Homeschool Pop that will answer all the questions you have about how and why we have President’s Day as a National Holiday.
My kids favorite activity was by far putting the presidents in order with our U.S. Presidents Flash Cards. I found this set of Flash Cards a few years ago in the dollar spot at Target! But I’ve also seen them at Wal-Mart, Dollar tree, and on Amazon. They number the presidents and give facts about the each one on the back. Today we put them in order. Then we, practiced reading and saying the names, and read about each of the presidents from back of the card!

If you want to go more in-depth in to Presidents’ Day in your homeschool there are so many free resources to guide you! 123Homeschool4Me has and excellent Printable unit on Presidents’ Day. We plan to use more resources from this unit this week since we had so much fun learning more about the presidents today!
What fun learning activities are you doing for President’s Day this week? Do you have any good resources you use to learn about the Presidents. Comment below and share your ideas!