Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew

The last month of school I decided to switch gears with my 6th grader and let him focus on creative writing instead of structure and grammar. We had the chance to use Creative Word Studio’s Sparkling Bits of Writing Book 1. This workbook for 5th and 6th grade students has been an easy way to give my 11 year old a chance to be creative and encourage him in his writing.
Using our Creative Writing Book
Sparkling Bits of Writing Book 1 is a very simple to use workbook. The book has 75 writing lessons that your child can complete independently. The book gives very clear instructions to your student for each lesson they complete. The first few pages of the book start with an introduction letter to your student and instructions for how they will use the book. The instructions are very clear and written with the students in mind. This book is easily used either daily or a few times a week for your homeschool student. We used this book as a supplement to our other language arts programs this month.
Sparkling Bits of Writing uses 3 different kinds of lessons to inspire creative writing. These are clearly outlined and explained how to complete in the instructions.
Free Writing Lessons
The free writing lessons are a fun way for students to have the chance to write whatever they want. These lessons have a question, prompt or something to get students started. However, students also have the chance to write whatever they would like. I like the way these lessons have a set amount of time students should write. This keeps the lessons short and encourages kids to think and write what comes to mind more quickly.
Reading Response Lessons
The reading response lessons give your 5th or 6th grader a short piece of literature to read. The student then writes a short response to what they just read. These lessons help encourage students writing by giving them good examples of well written poems and stories. You kids get the chance to read, think about what they are reading, and then write about it.
Mini Writing Lessons

The mini writing lesson activities are like fun little English lessons. Most teach about a form or type of writing. Then the students complete and activity for practice. Each of these lessons give them an example of writing and then a chance to try it for themselves. I really liked these lessons. They are a great way to teach my son many different writing forms and ways to improve their writing skills in a quick, fun way.
Several of the mini writing lessons have a star symbol on them, which means it is considered a gold piece. That means students should edit and make corrections on this writing. These are the writings that also can be graded. I loved that not every piece is requires edits and rewrites in this curriculum. My oldest needs the experience of editing his writing but often get frustrated when doing it every time he writes creatively. This way it is only done on a few of the most important pieces in the curriculum and he doesn’t get bogged down editing every lesson.

Our Creative Writing Experience
My 6th grade son and I really enjoyed using Sparkling Bits of Writing Book One from Creative Word Studio. The lessons take no more than 15-20 minutes. Also, the book is so flexible we can use it as many times a week as we need. This is just the kind of material that I look for for my oldest son right now. It can be used independently, provides writing instruction, and encourages his creativity.
If you are looking for a flexible easy to use workbook to help encourage your 5th or 6th grader in their writing I recommend checking out Sparkling Bits of Writing Book One from the Creative Word Studio. Also be sure to click below and read the reviews from other homeschool families from the Homeschool review crew. They also got the chance to use either book one or two from the Sparkling Bits of Writing series.