Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

As a homeschool mom, I have found that one of the best ways to teach my kids is to provide them with meaningful children’s books for them to read! I love finding fun new book series, both fiction and non-fiction, that my kids will love and learn from. Recently, we were excited to have the chance to read 4 books by Carole P. Roman. These children’s books from Carole P. Roman’s assorted series have been a fun way for my kids to learn history and practice reading!
If You Were Me and Lived in…Ancient Greece

This year for our history studies my family has been exploring Ancient Civilizations. Our study of Ancient Greece began right as we received Carole P. Roman’s book, If you were me and lived in… Ancient Greece. First of all, this paperback book has fun illustrations that gives a picture of everyday life in Ancient Greece. My kids and I also enjoyed that the book related to parts of life that they understand like how people, lived, clothing, and how children spent their days. The book also gave clear information about the government, religion, and cities in a way that elementary aged children could understand easily.

I found, this book differed from other resources about Ancient Greece in that it focused on what would make sense to Elementary age children. There were thorough descriptions of what homes would look like, what types of food would be eaten and what kinds of jobs your father might have. If You Were Me and Lived in… Ancient Greece also gave good descriptions and illustrations of what people’s hair or clothing would look like, what school was like and what children were taught. We read through this 48 page book, a little at a time as we completed our unit study of Ancient Greece. It was an excellent resource as we were learning together.
If You Were Me and Lived in…Viking Europe

We also received Carole P. Roman’s “If You Were Me and Lived in… Viking Europe.” We had studied Vikings last year and it was one of my boys favorite units! They enjoyed reading this book and learning even more about what viking life was like. It gave relevant information to children just like the book about Ancient Greece. Reading this book made us wish we had had this resource last year. However, I’m glad they were able to learn from it and enjoy it now! They love history and being able to imagine life a long time ago.
If you are looking for a series that will help you illustrate to your kids what life was like in an ancient civilization or what it is like to live in other countries then I highly recommend checking out some of Carole P. Roman’s If You Were Me and Lived in… series.
The Captain No Beard Series
Also this past month, my 5-year old and I have had fun reading the Captain No Beard series together. These stories are about a boy, his cousin and their adventures on their pretend pirate ship. These paperback books have illustrations that are bright and colorful. The stories are also easy for young children to understand and relate to. The kids in the story have fun using their imagination pretending to be pirates.

Along with the fun imaginative stories, Carole P. Roman incorporates some character lessons, and learning as well. “Pepper Parrot’s Problem with Patience was my 5 year old’s favorite. In the story a new parrot named Pepper joins the crew. This fun new character unfortunately gets angry, fusses and screams quickly when things don’t go his way. Captain No Beard and his first mate cousin Hallie get to teach Pepper a lesson in Patience. Fortunately, this was a great reminder for my 5 year old who has been working on having a bit more patience himself. Along the way the characters have fun, joke and laugh together, making the story fun and enjoyable!
We really enjoyed reading the first 2 adventures of captain no beard and look forward to reading more!
More Children’s Books by Carole P. Roman
If you are looking for some new book series to add to your homeschool library, I recommend looking at Carole P. Roman’s assorted series of children’s books. She makes geography and history feel alive and relevant to your children with her If You Were Me and Lived in… series. She also has several other fun Imaginative fiction stories like Captain No Beard that your children will love reading with you!
If you want to hear more about other books from Carole P. Roman’s assorted series, be sure to check out what other reviews from the Homeschool Review Crew have to say about what they have been reading with their families!

Thanks for reading and reviewing the books. I’m glad your children enjoyed them!
You’re Welcome! Thank you! We look forward to reading more of your books!