Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew

As important as it is to learn how to solve math problems without a calculator, it is just as important to learn to use the technology and resources we have available today. Many college exams, like the SAT, allow for the use of a basic scientific calculator, like the TI030Xa. Triad Math Inc. provides an excellent way for your students to learn how to solve math problems using this calculator. Over the last month my 6th grader and I have been able to try out this course, Mastering the TI-30Xa Scientific Calculator: Augmented Intelligence for all 21st Century Students. It has been a wonderful resource for him to work through the first part of this course. It has helped to further develop his mathematics knowledge.
Mastering the TI-30Xa Scientific Calculator: Augmented Intelligence for all 21st Century Students

Triad Math, Inc.‘s course, Mastering the TI-30xa Scientific Calculator, is both a physical worktext and video course. The worktext should not be used as a standalone and is meant to accompany the video lessons that are run through Moodle. There are 25 video lessons each with notes, exercises in the worktext. The course also includes pre-tests and post-tests before and after each video lesson. The course was very easy to navigate through Moodle. I feel it is important to note that this course is not designed to be a standalone math curriculum. It is a supplemental math course focused on the calculator. Each lesson we completed only took my 6th grader about 10 minutes.
How we used This Course

My son is completing his 6th grade math course right now, so we decided the first 13 lessons were probably the best for him work through. The first part of the course (lessons 1-15) works through more basic operations with a calculator. Older students can use these lessons as a review. If you are doing this course with a younger student, you will probably only be working through the first 13-15 lessons. These lessons teach how to use the calculator for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals, negative numbers, percent, fractions, square numbers, square roots, and exponents. Your students also learn how to store numbers in the memory, and use the parenthesis functions.

The videos are very straightforward and to the point. Each video has Dr. Del giving instruction through voiceover. The videos show exactly what he is doing on the calculator with the notes page in the background for reference. There is nothing fancy or exciting about the videos, and also no time wasted with filler. The videos are typically are less than 5 minutes for each lesson with direct instruction and examples in each one. The pre-tests and post test are quick, with usually only 3 questions on each. My son enjoyed using this course and learning how to better use a calculator for more advanced functions.

The More Advanced parts of the Course
The 2nd part of the book begins with Lesson 16 and is entitled “Lessons for Future Trigonometry Students.” We have not attempted any of these lessons ourselves. However, they are set up the same way as the initial section. These lessons teach using the DMS, SIN, COSIN, TAN, and other trigonometry functions on the calculator. The last part of the book, “Lessons for Future STEM Students” teaches using the calculator for formulas with coordinates, unit conversions, and the technicians triangle. None of my children are ready for these parts yet. However, I am glad to know that we have this resource for the future!
An Extremely Helpful Math Resource!

I am so glad we were able to use Triad Math, Inc’s course, Mastering the TI-30Xa Scientific Calculator: Augmented Intelligence for all 21st Century Students. Even though my son is only ready for the first section of the book, I feel that completing this part of the course has given him a bit of a head-start in preparing for Pre-Algebra, Algebra and Geometry in the coming years. It has been a long time since I have used a scientific calculator for these operations. Therefore it was so helpful to have this resource to teach him how to take full advantage of this technology.
If you are looking for resources to give your middle and high school students good instruction in using a calculator for math you should definitely check out Triad’s Math Inc.’s course, Mastering the TI-30Xa Scientific Calculator: Augmented Intelligence for all 21st Century Students.
Also check out more Reviews of this course from the Homeschool Review Crew Here!