Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Last month Preborn Prodigy sent three of their CDs, Prayers and Blessings for the Unborn Child Prayers, Prayers and Blessings Newborn to 99 and Math Prodigy, for our family to review.
What is PreBorn Prodigy?

Preborn Prodigy is a company that was started by Sara Bumgarner. Their mission is to help people see and live out their true identity from the Lord. Sara has done research concerning the connection between the mind and body and the effect that words and music have on children, even the unborn child in the womb. After a lot of research, she had the idea to reach people and speak words of life and encouragement through music and the Word of God. As of now, Preborn Prodigy has produced several different albums that combine instrumental music with the spoken declaration of specific promises from God. They also have several more albums planned to be released soon.
What do you get with a Preborn Prodigy Album?
Each of the three albums contains about an hour of calm, beautiful instrumental music with encouraging spoken word from scripture. Each track is calming and easy to listen to. I received physical CD’s however the album’s are also available for digital download. Also, some of the album’s are available in other languages as well.
Prayers & Blessings: Newborn to 99

Preborn Prodigy’s album Prayers and Blessings: Newborn to 99 consists of 7 tracks with a total time of 54.45 minutes. The aim of this album is to provide gentle encouraging words from scripture to everyone. The tracks speak directly to you, applying God’s promises to your life with soft music playing behind the spoken words. Although this album could be beneficial to anyone, it is mainly targeted towards very young children. The tracks included are:
- Scripture and Declarations
- Protection & Provision
- Spiritual Growth & Dedication
- Identity & Destiny
- Spirit, Soul & Body
- Salvation
- Blessing & Lullaby
Prayers & Blessings For the Unborn Child

Prayers and Blessings for the Unborn Child is an album that is specifically designed to be played before the birth of your child. The tracks speak God promises to the child to nurture and speak life to the child before they are even born. The background music, again, is very calming and beautiful. The tracks included are:
- Health & Delivery
- Protection & Provision
- Spiritual Growth & Dedication
- Identity & Destiny
- Spirit, Soul, & Body
- Salvation
- Blessing & Lullaby
Math Prodigy

Math Prodigy is very different than the other 2 albums in that it’s focus is educational instead of speaking scripture and promises of God. The format of the album is the same with calming instrumental music playing behind spoken word. The 5 tracks in this album give general knowledge and explain math concepts to children. They are arranged so that even very young children can listen, gain some understanding and be exposed to math vocabulary, concepts and facts. The track titles are as follows:
- Introduction to Math
- Addition and Subtraction
- Multiplication and Division
- Fractions
- Decimals and the Order of Operations
How did PreBorn Prodigy albums work for us?
I played these albums at different points of the day for my family. Some of the time, I listened on my own and others my boys listened as well. My whole family absolutely loves music and we often play music while we work on school work. Unfortunately, these albums did not work well for us to play during our school time. The speaking proved to be too distracting for my boys and they didn’t enjoy having it playing while they tried to work or read.

Also, they felt like these albums were a bit too babyish for them (my boys are 5, 8, and 10). I also know that my boys are very active and like things to move quickly and we move at a fast pace during the day. The slow relaxing music and soft words just weren’t the right fit for my active young boys. However, I want to say that the music and voice-over of these albums are beautifully arranged. Each track’s music is extremely relaxing and calming and would perfect for nap times or bedtimes for young children. I think that many young children would respond very well to these albums being played during play times, nap times, quiet times or bedtimes in their homes.
Who would these Album’s work for?
I admire Preborn Prodigy’s mission to speak God’s promises to children. It is so important for children to grow up knowing who God created them to be. This company has created a wonderful way that would work for many families to speak words of life from God to their children. I also think that these albums would be helpful to expectant mothers wanting have God’s Word spoken to their children even before they are born. The promises spoken in Prayers and Blessings for the Unborn Child would also be very encouraging for young mothers.
Many other reviewers also received these albums! Click here to hear about how they worked for their families.