Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew

Summer break is over for us and our homeschool is running full steam ahead. This year I am excited to tell you about one of my favorite new additions to our daily school routine. Math Essentials Speed Wheel Drills books in Addition, Multiplication and Division are a fun and easy way to increase your kids math fact fluency. I am so happy to have found this new method of math fact practice. My kids are definitely excited about a new spin on our math drills!
How Math Essentials Speed Wheel Drills Work

In each of the Math Essentials Speed Wheel Addition, Multiplication and Division books you get 144 pages of Math practice and resources. Each book is setup exactly the same however, the drills in each book are focused solely on it’s operation. The first few pages of the book explain how to use the speed drills book and give helpful math tips for students. Starting on page 7, there are 120 pages of speed wheel drills. Each page has 12 drills.
Speed Wheels are different than math fact drills you have seen before. Instead of just full pages of mixed facts that students try to complete in a time limit, each wheel works on one set of number facts. For instance, in the addition facts, a speed wheel for 9’s facts will have a 9 in the middle circle with numbers 1-12 all around the circle. Then there is a space in the next layer of the circle for your answer for each fact. Students then try to complete the circle as quickly as they can timing themselves with a stopwatch. After they complete a wheel they then check and correct their own answers with the included addition chart. At the top of each wheel there is a place for students to record their number correct and time. Students try to get faster and faster as they practice each day.
I love how easy these books are to use. Everything you need is laid out for you. After just a one day of teaching them how to use these books, my boys were able to use these, completely independently. They have been a great part of our school routine each day.

How we are using Math Speed Drills to Build Math Fact Fluency

I started this year with my oldest working out of the multiplication book, and my middle son practicing in the addition book. We have started the year with each of my kids doing 3 speed wheels each day. This takes them less than 5 minutes, usually finishing each wheel in less than a minute. They time themselves, check their work and log their progress independently. I just check over what they do each day. There is no planning or prep work for me at all. My boys are getting daily fluency practice and improving their speed with math facts every day.
I plan to have my kids work in each of the books for a period of time. The books have so many drills that it will be easy to share them rotating them between both my older 2 kids. We plan to switch off between addition, multiplication and division each month so my kids get regular practice on each operation throughout the year.
This resource has been so great, I am so happy that we had the chance to try it this year and make it a permanent part of our daily school routine.
Read what other Homeschool Families Have to Say…
I highly recommend checking out Math Essentials’ Speed Wheel Drills Books. They are an excellent, easy, affordable, way to build your students’ math fluency skills. Many other families from the homeschool review crew had the chance to use these books, too. If you want to read how Math Essentials Speed Wheel Drills worked for their families click below.