Complimentary Product Received ~ The HomeScholar LLC provides homeschoolers with the resources you need to create good comprehensive records for your high school students. #hsreviews #homeschool, #homeschooling, #homeschoolhighschool, #thehomescholar, #homeschooltranscript, #homeschooltranscripts, #homeschoolrecords

Get Help Homeschooling High School from The HomeScholar LLC

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew

As I’m now homeschooling a 7th grader, High school is just around the corner. I am happy to tell you today about a resource, The Homescholar LLC, that is here to help us homeschool families learn how to keep good records for our high school students. The thought of homeschooling high school can be a bit overwhelming. The dreaded transcripts, course descriptions, all the questions of what needs to be kept, how to do grades, and what courses to choose float through my mind!

The HomeScholar LLC is here to help us with all those questions. I am so glad I have had a chance to see this incredible resource this past month. Now I get to share with all of you a way to get all of your Homeschool High School questions answered! I had a chance to look at 2 of the many different options that the HomeScholar LLC has available: Total Transcript Solution and Comprehensive Record Solution.

What is the HomeScholar LLC?

HomeScholar LLC was started by Lee Binz who is a veteran homeschool mom who homeschooled her kids through high school. With her detailed records, course descriptions and transcript system she created for her family they were able to get into colleges of their choice and get scholarships! Now her goal is to share her system with all of us! Now we don’t have to figure everything out for ourselves through trial and error.

On her website she has so many resources to help us make the last leg of our homeschool journey easier. Her programs and membership options you can purchase give you access to her thorough online vide/audio courses and templates to give you everything you need to get going. But she doesn’t stop there! She offers coaching, 1-1 help, and review of you records so that you can be sure you are doing everything right for your kids!

I’ve only just begun to make it through all the coursework and resources you get with Lee Binz’s solutions programs on HomeScholar LLC. However, just in this short amount of time I’ve had access, I’m already more encouraged in my homeschool. She speaks to you as a homeschool mom who has been where you are. She encourages you that you are doing the right thing and making good choices for your child’s education by homeschooling! Also, she encourages you that you are capable of giving your child a good high school education by homeschooling (whatever method you choose) and give them good options for college! I’m so glad that I saw these courses now, before my kids get into high school. I know it has saved me a lot of stress and worry in the future.

The Comprehensive Record Solution Makes Keeping Thorough High School Records Easier

The first program I want to tell you about from the HomeScholar LLC is the Comprehensive Record Solution. This program has 4 modules: Encourage, Equip, Educate, and Empower. The Encourage Module gets you started. This give you the answers to your what and why questions! Lee spends time telling you what types of records you need and why you need them. She also shows you examples of good records. As you move in the Equip section you get the tools you need. Lee Binz provides you with multiple options for templates for all your record keeping needs! These have multiple formats for download and are so easy to use! Everything is laid out for you and all you have to do is fill in your student’s information.

The Educate Module helps you understand how to use those templates and your records that you are keeping. The HomeScholar doesn’t just give you tools and leave you to figure it out. She guides you step by step through the whole process with her course videos. But then Lee Binz takes it a step further with the Empower Module. She gives you the chance to e-mail her some of your course description records and will review them for you. This way you know you are on the right track!

The Total Transcript Solution is a great starting place for Homeschooling High School

If you are getting started Homeschooling High School or even in the middle and need to figure out what’s involved in creating good High School Transcripts, this is an excellent resource. The Total Transcript Solution gives you the basics you need to keep grades and create transcripts. There are 4 modules for this course as well. The first Module gives you training on how to get started keeping grades, credits, and creating your student’s transcript. She also instructs how to calculate GPA, and gives tips for winning scholarships and getting in to colleges. The second module is an ebook entitled, “The Easy Truths about Homeschool Transcripts”. This book is 107 pages that will help you understand more about Homeschool Transcripts. There is so much wisdom and valuable information that Lee has shared in this book!

The 3rd module gives you templates to get you going! Again you get multiple options to choose from so you can find the right fit for your family. The last module is another way for you to get 1-1 support from The HomeScholar LLC. You get access to a 20 minute private phone consultation. In this phone conversation you can go over a transcript or record. Also, you can ask questions, get advice, and go over your thoughts or ideas.

The HomeScholar LLC is a valuable tool for Homeschooling High School.

Homeschooling high school looks so much clearer and easier for my family after viewing the HomeScholar’s resources. I know more of the steps I need to take and have the tools I need ready to build good comprehensive records. Knowing what I know now, I am more confident that I can give my kids what they need to have options to pursue careers of their choice after High School!

If you are getting close to or in the middle of homeschooling your high schooler, I recommend that you check out The Homescholar LLC. You will not regret it! You don’t need waste time worrying and trying to figure out how to make transcripts, write course descriptions, or keep grades by yourself. The resources Lee Binz offers on The Homescholar LLC will put your mind at ease.

Many other Homeschool Families had the chance to review The Homescholar LLC this month. Check out the programs they used and how it has helped them as they homeschool as well! Click Below Now!

2 thoughts on “Get Help Homeschooling High School from The HomeScholar LLC

  1. Thank you so much for your review!

    You hit the nail on the head when you said, “Now her goal is to share her system with all of us! Now we don’t have to figure everything out for ourselves through trial and error.” When we had our graduation party for my two boys, I showed off our homeschool records (proud mama). The feedback was immediate and unanimous, “You HAVE to show us how to do this!!” That’s how The HomeScholar was born!

    I am so happy that through your access to this product, you are “already more encouraged in my homeschool.” Since my mission is the “help parents homeschool high school,” I think my job here is done!

    Thanks again for the wonderful review, I’ll be sure to mention it in my upcoming newsletter. If you or your readers have any questions, you can reach me through my website. Have a great day!

  2. Hi Mary, thank you for your wonderful review. I really appreciate your feedback on the Total Transcript Solution and Comprehensive Record Solution. I certainly have “been there – done that” with homeschooling my two boys through high school. I really wanted to create resources that would help others through high school and enable them to launch their children to success afterwards with admission and scholarships. These two products have been a key part of the strategy that worked so well for us. I am so glad you enjoyed them.

    I will be sharing your review with my newsletter subscribers. Please let your readers know they can reach out to me on my website chat or through our contact form. God Bless You!


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