Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

For the past few weeks, our family has had the privilege to enjoy Smart Kidz Radio: Member’s On-Demand Radio Program Library, an educational and inspirational radio station for kids. Smart Kidz Radio has provided an excellent resource for families to add more music and audio programs to you’re child’s education!
What is Smart Kidz Radio?

Smart Kidz Radio is Radio station made to provide educational music programs for kids. You can stream their live programming for free. However, they have a huge library of on-demand radio program content available as well. This library can be accessed with their Smart Kidz Radio: Member’s On Demand Radio Program Library Membership. There programming covers a wide range of topics for all ages. There are fun learning songs for toddlers and preschoolers, programs to support math and reading for elementary kids, and music history and styles educational programs that you can use to support studies in your homeschool. I could go on and on listing all the different categories and programs. Check out all the screen shots below to see more of what you get with Smartkidz Radio.
Smart Kidz Radio is more than just a resource for you. When you subscribe to the Smart Kidz Radio: Member’s On Demand Radio Program Library a portion of your membership fee goes to the Smart Kidz Foundation. (Which is very affordable and much cheaper than most media based monthly subscriptions.) The Smart Kidz Foundation’s mission is to encourage kids to make a difference in their lives, the lives of others and the world. When your support Smart Kidz Radio you do get an amazing resource for your family. But, you are also supporting programs to give kids opportunities to receive more education. You give kids the chance to participate in programs to help them achieve their dreams for the future and work towards making a difference in the world today.
Our Experience with Smart Kidz Radio: Member’s On Demand Radio Program Libray

My boys love music! Therefore, they were super excited to try out some of the radio programs on Smart Kidz Radio with me. After exploring the dashboard and seeing all the options available, we got the most excited about the Nostalgic Music Programs. These include programs about 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s music. These teach and demonstrate the change in music throughout modern American history. It was fun to have these programs playing as we worked on other schoolwork, or had lunch. My kids enjoyed the music and enjoyed laughing at some of the older songs they had never heard. We had fun and enjoyed learning about some of the history of modern music.

I loved having easy access to music from countries and cultures around the world. It is wonderful to easily be able to add a representation of music from around the world. Also to teach our kids about other countries through music. The tribute to World music program was wonderful and fun to listen to a lot of different cultural music at once. However, we also enjoyed the programs on individual countries in the World Cultural Music Category. The American Heritage Music Program is a great resource for our American History Study we are doing right now.

My kids and I also enjoyed the many different inspirational kids songs and programs available. They had so many older Christian kids songs from my childhood that were fun to let my kids learn. This also could be a great resource for Sunday School and some of kids programs at church! My youngest (5) has enjoyed a few of the story programs with classic fairy tales! It is a great program to let him listen and explore different songs and programs without worry!
We are Excited to Continue Learning with Smart Kidz Radio

There are so many great music programs on Smart Kidz Radio. I am excited to continue to explore more of the music available in their on demand Library and use it to add to my children’s education! I am excited to use the classical composers and music history programs in the future with a music history unit!
Do you want to hear more about the Smart Kidz Radio: Member’s On-Demand Radio Program Library? Many other families on the Homeschool Review Crew had the chance try out their programs this month as well! Click below to see what programs they tried and what they enjoyed about SmartKidz Radio!