Complimentary Product Received ~ Roar Like a Lion is a devotional book for kids to give them courage in their Faith in Jesus.

Roar Like a Lion: A Homeschool Devotional Book Review

Complimentary Product Received ~ Roar Like a Lion is a devotional book for kids to give them courage in their Faith in Jesus.
Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew

If you are looking for a new kids devotional for your homeschool, check out Tommy Nelson Book‘s Roar Like a Lion: 90 Devotions to a Courageous Faith. This book by Levi Lusko is one I have enjoyed reading and am happy to add it to our library.

Roar Like a Lion

Roar Like a Lion is a beautiful book throughout. Every page is colorful with pictures that both you and your kids will love. The book also has a very nice sturdy hardcover, with a colorful lion picture on the front. Right away, my younger kids wanted to see what this book was!

The contents list every single devotion title. Therefore, it is easy to find a devotion you want to refer back to or pick and choose certain titles you want to read. The introduction is very well done. It draws a reader in by describing all the amazing and spectacular things about lions and what it means to Roar like a Lion. The introduction then explains the layout of each devotional and how it can be used.


The introduction to Roar Like a Lion also gave kids a mission to start looking for anchors! The author and artist hid 20 anchors throughout the entire book. The anchors are meant to be a picture and remind kids of what it is like to know Jesus as your Savior. This is a fun way to use this book with younger kids and keep them engaged. The end of the book has a page that tells you more about anchors and provides the answers to where all of them are hidden.

Complimentary Product Received ~ Roar Like a Lion is a devotional book for kids to give them courage in their Faith in Jesus.

The Devotions

Each of the 90 devotions is 2 pages, and begins with a scripture. The author used several different scripture translations, however he always lists the abbreviation for the translation for your reference. After the scripture, usually just 1 verse, there is a devotional that helps apply the scripture and encourage your child in his faith in Jesus. The devotional ends with a prayer to help your child connect with Jesus. As a bonus, each devotion has a sidebar that adds a historical or sometimes scientific fact. These “Did You Know?” side bars help the child connect further with the devotional and provides interesting information for them.

How we used Roar Like a Lion

Complimentary Product Received ~ Roar Like a Lion is a devotional book for kids to give them courage in their Faith in Jesus.

Roar Like Lion was a fun devotional book to use with my youngest son. He is 7 and I would say the perfect age to connect with and understand this book. The content is a bit young for my 12 year old. He did look through and read a little independently, however, I feel it is a more for younger children. This is a great book to read with your 6-10 year old kids. The writing is not too difficult so some kids could possibly read it independently, however I felt it was best read with my kids. I felt that there was more understanding and we could talk about the topics together this way.

More about Roar Like a Lion

Complimentary Product Received ~ Roar Like a Lion is a devotional book for kids to give them courage in their Faith in Jesus.

I feel Roar Like a Lion is a good choice for a devotional book to read with your children to encourage them in their faith in Jesus. My family has enjoyed the time we have spent in this book. Many other homeschool families from the Review Crew have also had a chance to read this book. To hear about how Tommy Nelson Books’ Roar Like a Lion: 90 Devotions to a courageous faith has encouraged other families, click below!