Complimentary Product Received ~ I know it provides online elementary math practice that can supplement your math curriculum and help you as you homeschool!
Tag: Homeschool
Roar Like a Lion is an excellent Devotional book to read with your children to give them courage in their faith in Jesus.
Complimentary product received ~ Bible Breakdowns are a great resource for kids and adults, homes and churches, to provide information and context for your Bible Study.
Complimentary Product Received ~ Counting Kingdom is an introductory math program for young children.
Vocabulary Virtuoso from Critical Thinking Co. is an excellent resource to help improve vocabulary skills for middle school students.
Complimentary Product Received ~ Reading Eggs provides an excellent online program to help your children, ages 3-13 improve their reading skills.
Complimentary Product Received – Positive Action Bible Curriculum Wise up provides an excellent Bible Study for Middle school students Studying Wisdom from God through the book of Proverbs. #hsreviews #biblecurriculum #biblestudy #homeschoolbiblecurriculum #positiveactionforchrist #positiveactionbiblecurriculum
Complimentary Product Received ~ Creative Word Studio’s Sparkling Bits of Writing Book one is a great workbook to help teach and encourage creative writing for your 5th and 6th grade students. #hsreviews #creativewordstudio #Christianhomeschool #languagearts #homeschoolwritingcurriculum #teachingwriting
Complimentary Product Received ~ Cross Seven Ventures Musical Memory Tool is a classical learning resource that makes memorization easy. #hsreviews #crossseven #claritas #memorywork
Complimentary Product Received ~ ARTistic Pursuits has an excellent new course, Beginner Level, Art Core 2, Painting with Watercolor Pencils, that we are enjoying using to learn art in our homeschool. #hsreviews #ARTisticPursuits #Art #Creative #arteducation #education