PRIDE Reading Program is an excellent curriculum for teaching struggling or beginning readers!

Over the past 4 weeks I have had the opportunity to use the PRIDE Reading Program with my 8 year old son, Caleb. I am so excited to share with you about our experience using this excellent reading program. As a former special education teacher, now homeschool mom, I have used many different reading programs with kids who’s reading abilities were anywhere from struggling to advanced. I have enjoyed using the PRIDE Red Book Program Kit – Level 3 with my son Caleb and I believe it would be extremely helpful to many homeschool families. Today, I am thrilled to tell you why!

Venturing with God in Congo is an inspiring collection of stories of a family that gave everything to share Jesus with the people of Congo.

This past month I had the opportunity to read the book Venturing with God in Congo from Conjurske Publications. It has been so encouraging to read these stories by Darrell Champlin that tell of God’s power and faithfulness.

There are so many Fun ways to learn about US History. This week are are learning about the presidents in honor of Presidents' Day!

Today we have had so much fun changing up our normal homeschoool routine to learn more about the U.S. Presidents. We have watched Youtube videos, read books and ordered and read facts on flash Cards. I love taking advantage our our holidays to teach our kids about our History and why we remember certain people and events of the past!

Sick days are unavoidable sometimes. Here are some tips for getting through your homeschool sick days!

As much as we try to avoid it, there are those days when the kids get sick and so do the parents! Today is one of those days for us. The question I always ask, as a homeschool mom, is how much school can we or should we get done. I like to keep to a regular schedule with my kids as much as possible. However, sometimes it’s OK to just say, “Today is a sick day!”

2020 looks to be a year full of new opportunities and change for our family!

2020 is here in full force and today I want to share with you about the many changes happening this year! We will still be Entirely At Home, working and schooling our children from home. However, God has led us to start not just 1 but 2 new business endeavors this year.

15 Reasons Why I Love Homeschooling

It is easy sometimes to get so caught up in our daily homeschool routine, that we forget to remember what a blessing it is to be homeschooling our kids! I want to make sure I take time to pay attention and enjoy all the things I love about homeschooling. So today, I am making a list of why I love our homeschool and sharing it with you.